Overwhelm can have a profound impact on women’s progress in their business ventures, hindering their ability to thrive and succeed. 


A woman in overwhelm is not seeing the bigger picture. She’s stuck in a swamp of confusion, decision paralysis and a cycle of overthinking and delayed/hesitant decision making. With a narrowed focus on day-to-day operations, she may struggle to think strategically, explore new ideas, and adapt to changing market dynamics, inhibiting their business growth potential. So she misses opportunities from scattered attention and lack of focus; progress becomes fragmented, and productivity suffers.


This scattered focus, and lower productivity along with managing work-life balance brings with it the risk of burnout and exhaustion which further hinders their progress. 



While external factors like workload and responsibilities contribute to this feeling, there’s another powerful force at play: our hidden beliefs. 


These deeply ingrained beliefs shape our perception of ourselves, our capabilities, and the world around us, ultimately leading to a constant state of overwhelm. 


In this blog post, we will explore how these hidden beliefs can keep us feeling overwhelmed and provide insights on how to overcome them.


Deeply ingrained beliefs shape our perception of ourselves, our capabilities, and the world around us




Why the subconscious makes you feel overwhelmed


It seems odd doesn’t it – the idea that the subconscious mind might be making you feel overwhelmed – why would that be? 


Well, the subconscious is sneaky and clever, and it just wants to avoid you from feeling physical and emotional pain. It’s ironic therefore that the subconscious can make you feel overwhelm in order to protect you. 

Underlying limiting beliefs


Imposter Syndrome


I’ve had clients with imposter syndrome (where women doubt their abilities and fear being exposed as inadequate). This deeply ingrained self-doubt can prevent them from pursuing new opportunities, taking risks, or advocating for themselves, ultimately impeding their progress. And the way it manifests: by making them feel overwhelmed, so they’re unable to make progress towards their goals, thereby making them avoid being exposed for their “inadequacy”. 


Fear of Failure


One common hidden belief that contributes to overwhelm is the fear of failure. This fear manifests as a desire to meet impossibly high standards or a need to control every outcome.


Fear of Success


I’ve also had clients experiencing overwhelm who did so because they had an underlying fear of success (yes, that is a common issue for women) or a fear of making money (even though they desired to make money, their mind blocked them by flooding them with overwhelm).




Perfectionism often goes hand in hand with this fear, creating a cycle of constant pressure and dissatisfaction. Recognising the detrimental effects of these beliefs and embracing a growth mindset can help break free from the overwhelming pursuit of perfection.


“I have to do it all” mentality


Many women fall into the trap of believing they must shoulder all responsibilities alone. This hidden belief stems from a fear of burdening others or a sense of needing to be there for others and not showing your vulnerabilities. 


However, this mindset can lead to burnout and increased overwhelm. Learning to delegate tasks, ask for help, and foster a support network can alleviate the pressure and create space for self-care and personal growth.



Comparison and the Need for Approval


Hidden beliefs often include the need for external validation and the habit of comparing ourselves to others. Constantly measuring ourselves against unrealistic standards and seeking approval from others can be exhausting and contribute to overwhelm. 


Shifting the focus inward, practicing self-compassion, and embracing our unique strengths and journey can help break free from the overwhelming cycle of comparison.



So you see, overwhelm is a symptom for an underlying subconscious belief. It’s so empowering to uncover the limiting subconscious beliefs and rewire them…


Uncovering Subconscious Limiting Beliefs


Hidden beliefs reside in the depths of our subconscious mind, often operating unnoticed until we consciously examine them. These beliefs shape our thoughts, emotions, and behaviours, influencing how we perceive ourselves and the world around us. 


Uncovering these limiting beliefs is the first step toward overcoming overwhelm. By bringing them into conscious awareness, we can begin to understand the underlying causes of our feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, or fear.


Taking the time for self-reflection and introspection allows us to identify and acknowledge these hidden beliefs. Journalling, hypnotherapy, or engaging in deep conversations with trusted individuals can facilitate this process. 


It’s important to create a non-judgmental space where we can explore the roots of our limiting beliefs, such as past experiences, societal conditioning, or personal expectations. Through this exploration, we gain valuable insights into the specific beliefs that contribute to our overwhelm.


Changing the Underlying Subconscious Beliefs


Once we have identified our limiting beliefs, we can initiate the process of challenging their validity and exploring alternative, empowering beliefs. This transformation takes conscious effort and a willingness to challenge the narratives we have internalised over time.


Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool that can assist in uncovering and transforming these subconscious beliefs. By accessing the subconscious mind in a relaxed state, hypnosis allows us to bypass the critical conscious mind and work directly with the underlying beliefs. 


With the help of a trained hypnotherapist or through self-hypnosis techniques, we can address the root causes of our overwhelm and replace limiting beliefs with new, empowering ones. 


This process involves repetitive affirmations, visualisation exercises, and the repetition of positive suggestions to reprogram the subconscious mind.


“Listening  to Lucy’s recording every morning sets me up for a great day. My mindset is more positive, I can handle difficult people and trying situations better and I have boundaries in place to protect my time (and sanity!).” Christine Fieldhouse, UK


The importance of structure and taking action


While uncovering and changing subconscious beliefs is vital, it is equally important to establish a structured approach and take actionable steps toward progress. Overwhelm often arises when we feel a lack of control or direction in our lives. By implementing a well-defined structure and taking consistent action, we regain a sense of purpose and control over our circumstances.


Working with a coach or mentor who can provide guidance and accountability can be invaluable in this process. They can help create a realistic plan, break down goals into manageable steps, and provide support along the way. 


By setting clear objectives, prioritising tasks, and establishing routines, we create a framework that supports our progress and reduces overwhelm.


Taking action is a crucial component of overcoming overwhelm. It involves stepping outside our comfort zones, embracing uncertainty, and persisting in the face of challenges. By moving from a state of procrastination to focused aligned action, we gain momentum and build confidence in our abilities. Celebrating small victories along the way reinforces positive beliefs and motivates us to continue making progress.


Embracing self-care and setting boundaries


Overwhelm thrives when self-care takes a backseat and boundaries become blurred. Hidden beliefs may convince us that taking care of ourselves is selfish or unnecessary. However, prioritising self-care activities such as exercise, mindfulness, and adequate rest replenishes our energy and enhances our ability to cope with challenges. 


Additionally, setting clear boundaries and learning to say no empowers us to protect our time and mental well-being.




To overcome the perpetual state of overwhelm, it is crucial to recognise and address the hidden beliefs that contribute to these feelings whilst also putting plans into action. By understanding and rewiring limiting beliefs through hypnotherapy, embracing self-compassion, setting boundaries, and shifting our mindset, we can break free from overwhelm and cultivate a sense of inner peace, focus, and empowerment. 


Remember, understanding and changing these beliefs is a journey that requires patience and self-reflection, but the rewards are well worth the effort.

If you want help uncovering your money blocks and rewiring them for wealth and abundance, then apply for my Metamorphosis program. I have different options to suit different desires and budgets.



“The spirals that I used to get into have disintegrated and I’m being more positive about the relationship but mostly about myself which means I feel more joy and confidence. ” – Alice, UK